Saturday, December 24, 2005

Of uncles and burnt fingers

Yesterday, I burnt my fingers while trying to light Jeremy's birthday cake. I'm not going to say anything more about it. Happy Early Birthday Jeremy. Hope you enjoyed Kong. Great show.

Then afterwards I met Quek and KH and we practically whiled away the afternoon crapping nonsense and playing 15 minute intervals of STAR WARS: REPUBLIC COMMANDOS (cue Star Wars opening music), and QUAKE 4. I think the old urge to get games for Christmas resurfaced shortly within me.

Then KH was off. Hope you have fun on Monday! Did you know, that his class is actually coming to his house on Boxing Day for potluck? Even though "class" meaning around 12 people, I still find that a remarkable feat. I mean, getting 12 people in my class to sit at the same table in the canteen would be a good showing for us, haha. Anyway, don't get drunk on Monday, KH. We don't want too many people in your class to know about America! America! Am I not good enough for you, America?!

Then to round off my day was a most peculiar experience. To tell you the truth, yesterday was a really random day. I ended up in Toa Payoh Central with Quek, helping him shop for, among other things, a mini fan and sponges. He was buying stuff for some needy people gift list, and the items listed were hilarious in terms of having two 17 year old guys buy them. I have this lovely picture of Jeremy squatting in the Household section of Cold Storage squinting at washing detergents. Washing detergents. Then you have to wonder, do they want machine wash detergents or for hand wash?? We both never felt more inadequate and retarded before. I mean, yeah, we both look like uncles, but now we are uncles. You see, there's this complex in Toa Payoh Central that houses Courts on its first three floors and Cold Storage in the basement. It seemed to me to be like the ultimate shopping expeeience, and now, the both of us have experienced the complete family shopping experience. From Cold Storage to Courts.

At Courts we got this mini fan which was really cheap, like $20. I looked at it and went, "ok, we'll take this one." After saying that line I promptly turned away in disgust at actually having said that. I just ordered a mini fan! I'm an uncle! But later on I realised that the fan looked pretty impressive in its packaging cos it came in a large box. I was thinking how impressive that would be if I wrapped up the box nicely and gave it to people for Christmas gifts.

In any case, we rounded up the complete family shopping experience with coffee and tea at Yakun's.

Vicks was saying yesterday that i should compile a list of Moments of 2005. So here's a short list of them:

1) Vicks falling down the stairs, getting up, and falling down again.

2) Vicks tripping over something (not in school) and messaging me a detailed description of her experience. Here's the SMS in full: "Damn, I just tripped over a kerb, ran towards the ground and crashed onto the ground. Now I have a scraped side of knee, palm and a bit of bleeding elbow."

3) Jeremy saying in response to someone's laughter, "That's freakin' gay". (must be said with great passion and energy)

4)Mr Yoong to Lester, "HURRY UP!" (said with a force strong enough to wake Dai Wei and Jeremy up from their post-PE stupor)

5) Mr Yoong to Hanis, "Where is General Kassem from?" (said with a slow, ominous tone of voice tinged with rumblings of the wrath of God)

6) Mr Yoong about Lester, "He's halfway there." (this comment was not related to Moment 4)

7) Mrs Ram and her terrorist joke. To cripple Singapore one should bomb Shenton Way, not Changi Airport, although in my opinion bombing Changi would be enough to cripple our economy substantially.

8) Mr Smith about Vicki Yong, "She's a figment of my imagination."

9) Mr Smith's post Lit promos speech, "Just a reminder that 05A22 must see their CT in the Geography room, and all the Lit reps see me!" (half-sung, half-spoken)

10) Mrs Tan calling me, "Joe-wel..."

11) Samantha calling Jeremy, "Jerrmms...."

Those are all the Moments I can think of for now. If any of you can think of more feel free to contribute :)

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